Advanced Sales Tip

June 23, 2007

Hi everybody,

Tonight I would like to show how all of you young and intermediate sales persons can go to the next step in becoming a true sales professional. Everyone knows you must have a great deal of product knowledge to become a good sales professional. The one thing that separates…

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Whoa! What a topic tonight! Hi everybody,

A very unusual subject, but a very important one. Here’s the rub. Everyone in sales has lied to a potential customer at least once. Now, before you get indignant and send me millions of e-mails, hear me out. Unfortunately for the salesperson, most of the sales persons are just as victimized as the consumer. That’s the truth whether you like it or not…

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Hi everybody,

I have a post tonight that I thought was pretty important. It’s about the roller coaster of life! I have the privilege of working with salesperson’s of ALL age groups and I find that the young people entering our great profession really need to read this! Life is like…

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Hi everybody,

I hope you enjoyed the radio show today, it was great and the response was terrific, even though there were some technical difficulties with the phone lines.

I mentioned on the show that you DO NOT want to miss the teleseminar on June 25th. An entire hour dedicated exclusively to overcoming objections in sales. Make sure you go to my website for all the information. Now to the post of the night. There comes a time when all managers have to draw a line in the sand. In other words, all the techniques you have learned from this blog are great…

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Hi everybody,

Tomorrow is the BIG day! “The Specialist” first LIVE radio broadcast is tomorrow. “The Specialist” will be broadcasting live on WPMH 670 AM or 1450 AM on your radio dial in Chesapeake, VA. What a show I have planned.

The show is jammed packed with an array of topics, from “The Hidden Importance Of Listening”, to “Small Talk”, as well as the “Top Ten Reasons Prospects Won’t Buy From YOU!” For all you managers, there is a special segment for you on motivating YOUR staff! Tune in and get SPECIALIZED with “The Specialist” tomorrow from 4 to 5 pm est. on WPMH 670 AM or 1450 AM on your radio dial.

Tomorrow, I will resume my blog with some more exciting information. Don’t forget to be one of the first 100 people to sign up for the FREE Newsletter!

“The Specialist”

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Hello everybody,

Remember this is my last post of the week as I spend the weekend preparing for my first live radio broadcast. I am going to close the week with a special one. How GREED can cost YOU the sale. Most salespersons believe that when they find the “BUYER” they should sell him or her as much as they can for as much as they can. BIG MISTAKE!

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Hello everybody,

I see that a lot of you are signing up for the FREE newsletter and that is great. Not only will you get special articles about sales and management, but I will also notify you when something big happens that I know you will want to know about. Remember the 1st 100 that sign up will get FREE recordings of “The Specialist” radio show. That’s something you don’t want to miss!

As you have grown accustomed to seeing, I had not only the opportunity to observe an experienced salesperson today but also the opportunity to demonstrate a VERY ADVANCED sales technique. 1st off the salesperson was so focused on doing good small talk that…

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Hello kind readers,

It has been another great day and of course I have a great post tonight. I was watching a protege of mine recently and the main thing I saw besides all the good things was the way not only him but most sales persons complicate the sale. Everyone wants to expound on there talking points until they have virtually talked themselves out of the sale. When a client says lets do it…

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Hello everybody,

With all the e-mails I’ve been getting I am gratified you like my web site. A lot of you have already signed up for the FREE newsletter and just judging by the response I can tell the teleseminar on the 25th is going to be great! If you haven’t signed up for the FREE newsletter you better hurry and be one of the 1st 100 to do so, it’s got some GREAT stuff!

Now, about tonight’s post. If you are fortunate enough to have an incredible salesperson on your staff, and I am referring to one of the very few best in your field, there are pros and cons when he or she actually takes a new person out to observe. The obvious pros are that the new person will most likely…

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Tonight I have a very unusual post. The only reason I am even discussing this subject tonight is because, even though I’ve tried over the years to forget about these situations, I was thrust into the center of such a situation very recently and thought it was an important clue for young and inexperienced managers to know when making important hiring decisions.

At the least it would give the young managers the pieces of the puzzle that would normally go unanswered until they had many years of experience and learned it the hard way. Ladies, you’re probably not going to like this but it IS the truth…

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